Click to download March’s schedule

Click to download April’s schedule

Please come and try your first yoga class on us at no charge

** There is a $5 upcharge for our 90-minute yoga classes on Monday at 11:00am and Wednesdays at 10:30am **

Class Descriptions

Yoga I

This is the basic level of Iyengar yoga.  Practice of standing postures, standing forward bends, seated and twisting postures, and entry level inversions as indicated

Yoga II

For those who have been practicing Level I poses for a period of time, and are ready to explore refinement  and deepening of basic poses. Students are also prepared for more advanced standings, seated forward bends and twists, and backbends.  If indicated, exploration of inversions such as Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder balance), Sirsasana (headstand), and full arm balance.

Yoga III

For those students well established in a home practice and intermediate level poses including inversions and backbends.

Yoga Men’s Only

A class formatted to men’s perspective.

Pranayama Meditation

This class explores breath awareness and the elements of meditative practice.  Students must have at least 6 months experience in Iyengar classes.

Gentle Yoga

A slower, more methodical approach for beginner and continuing students.

Core Mat Pilates

Flow through the foundational Pilates exercises with additional moves to challenge and give a full body burn. Perfect for beginners or those practicing at a more experienced level.


Yoga 2 - ZOOM

Refinement of basic postures as taught in yoga 1 with more challenging postures introduced. Must have 6 months to 1 year experience in practice of basic postures and a knowledge of one’s own needs and limitations. Taught by Carmella

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